Mahasarakham University, Faculty of Informatics/Department of New Media, Maha Sarakham City, Thailand
*Correspondence: (R.T.)
Manuscript received December 15, 2022; revised February 14, 2023; accepted April 11, 2023.
Abstract—This research is a case study context about designing a wayfinding system for a large-scale community mall in Thailand. Many functions of the huge area such; shopping, service, food courts, activity, car park areas and so on. These functions made administrators confront the dissatisfaction of customers when they desired to find their target place in the community. Therefore, this study aims to enhance the wayfinding service system by using application technology to guide people to find their places in the largescale community mall. The Human Centered-Design (HCD) concept was applied to integrate the requirements of stakeholders in the project. The concept was also employed to develop the application system design and evaluation the use of wayfinding behavior from several ages of target users. The overall evaluative scores remain at strongly agreed levels including the factors of correcting direction, understanding of map symbols, UX/UI, and design legibility.
Index Terms—Human centered-design, graphical wayfinding system, information visualization
Cite: Ratanachote Thienmongkol, "Designing Human-Centric Application to Improve Service Quality of Spatial Usage for Community Mall Projects," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 8-13, 2023.
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CC BY 4.0).