Abstract—With the recently increasing theft and kidnapping incidents the use of tracking systems has begun to increase. In line with this demand the tracking systems have also been rapidly improved and new systems have been produced. Two of the most widely used tracking systems are vehicle tracking and human-object tracking systems. Thanks to these systems one can either track his/her own vehicle or the members of the family, and if desired, fleet of vehicles or cargo tracking can also be made. Vehicle and human-object racking systems can position locations with the help of wireless network sensors and GPS modules on them and these location can be displayed/tracked on the web or mobile platforms generated. In this study displaying of vehicle and human-object tracking systems created with wireless sensor networks on web or mobile platforms has been implemented.
Index Terms—Human and object tracking systems, map, vehicle tracking on web or mobile devices, wireless sensor networks.
Murat Dener is with the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey (e-mail: muratdener@gazi.edu.tr).
Cite:Murat Dener, "Mobile and Web Architectures of Vehicle Tracking and Human-Object Tracking Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 156-160, 2016.