Abstract—Security management is a challengeable concept of computer system in distributed environment. Classical approaches do not adapt to circumstances, so developers can not design a computer system base on common approaches that be controlled with administrator. In this paper, a layering approach is presented for security management. Proposed approach clusters the users, so administrator can control relation for security. Proposed approach enriches with multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm. Multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithms have dynamic process, so they can adapt to conditions of distributed environment.
Index Terms—Layering security management, clustering, FCM, multi-objective evolutionary optimization, multi-objective simulated annealing.
The authors are with the Beijing University of Technology, School of Software Engineering, Beijing, China (e-mail: Hashemi2138@yahoo.com, jhe@bjut.edu.cn).
Cite:Seyed Mahmood Hashemi and Jingsha He, "An Evolutionary Clustering Approach with FCM in Layering Scheme for Computer Security in Network," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 143-147, 2016.