Abstract—A next step in bringing high bandwidth over an existing copper infrastructure is Fibre to the Curb, using G.Fast, which prevents a huge investment compared to a full fibre roll out. To save additional costs in this roll out, the existing copper can be reused as backhaul for the new active point of G.Fast, where currently mostly a fibre backhaul is considered. This paper presents the advantages of copper backhauling for G.Fast nodes and studies the planning and expected bandwidth coverage of this Copper Backhaul solution in two cases. These cases show that this solution is a logical next step in the network migration, offering cost saving, flexibility and the needed bandwidth gain for the consumers.
Index Terms—Access network planning, next generation broadband, G.Fast performance.
The authors are with the Netherlands Organisation of Applied Research (TNO), POBox 96800, 2509 JE the Hague, Holland (e-mail: frank.phillipson@tno.nl).
Cite:Frank Phillipson and Rob F. M. van den Brink, "Advantages of Copper Backhauling for G.Fast Nodes," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 280-283, 2015.