Abstract—To design and implement the network simulation scenario of H.264 video service based on OMNeT++ simulation platform can provide testing, validation and evaluation method for the key technologies, such as to evaluate the QoE (Quality of Experience) of network video service, to evaluate multipath transport control mechanism. Based on H.264 codec standard and RTP payload structure, real-time transmission mechanisms for H.264 video transmission frame is studied. Based on standard host structure of INET Framework, three logical entities are designed, including user agent, relay controller and relay server. The topology structure of simulation networks and logical entities are described by network description language (NED). The key is to design and implement RTP node to support H.264 service. RTP node realizes sending and receiving module in INET Framework. By importing video files and relevant configuration files, simulation of H.264 service based on OMNeT++ is conducted. The effect of delay and packet loss on quality of H.264 video session is evaluated by different network configuration parameters.
Index Terms—H.264 codec, video transmission, RTP, OMNeT++.
Weimin Lei, Hao Zheng, and Wei Zhang are with the Institute of Communication and Information System, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China (e-mail: leiweimin@ise.neu.edu.cn, zhenghao92a@163.com, zhangwei1@ise.neu.edu.cn).
Cite:Weimin Lei, Hao Zheng, and Wei Zhang, "Design and Implementation of H.264 Video Transmission Network Simulation," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 268-273, 2015.