Abstract—The monitoring system in railroad system is under study to prevent any derailment and accident caused by any defect in train. Since the monitoring system is composed of wireless sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4 in train environment, we need to analyze the wireless channel of special case like the train environment which is very tough for wireless communication by power loss, multipath and fast fading. After confirmation of the estimated channel information from the measured signal in train environment, we proposed channel estimation method considering estimated channel information. The main advantage of the proposed channel estimation method using characteristic of chip code is possible to simply when channel has significant 2-tap like train environment. Also, since the IEEE 802.15.4 system is not specified about the channel and equalization, we proposed the symbol detection method having equalization for the multipath fading. We simulate a bit error probability performance to verify simple method without performance degradation.
Index Terms—Fast fading, railroad, channel estimation, IEEE 802.15.4, sensor network, equalization.
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Sogang, Seoul, 121-742, Korea (e-mail: ylkim@sogang.ac.kr, jingu8562@sogang.ac.kr, minho89@sogang.ac.kr, sinzuggo@sogang.ac.kr, kjr5594@ sogang.ac.kr, jhlee1124@sogang.ac.kr).
Cite:Jingu Lee, Minho Kim, Daehyun Kim, Jonghwa Lee, Jungyeol Kim, and Younglok Kim, "Methods of Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection for IEEE 802.15.4 Considering the Wireless Channel in the High Speed Train," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 201-206, 2015.