Abstract—The field of Wireless sensor networks is an ever-growing one. Small, low-cost, low-power sensors that can be deployed in numerous locations prove to be highly beneficial. The intent of this paper is to propose a way of monitoring the environment using low-cost, low-power sensors that function is a tiny yet robust environment.
A Wireless Sensor Network using Arduino and Raspberry Pi for remote Environment Monitoring is built to monitor Atmospheric factors like Temperature, Humidity and Pressure are measured using XBee sensor nodes, which transmit the sensor data to a central data aggregator node which is the Arduino. A lightweight web server built on the Arduino displays this information on a web page. Another remote data aggregator node, in the form of MySQL server is configured on a Raspberry Pi, and the sensor data is stored onto this database server as well. Sensor data is available for local and remote access. This MySQL server can also be viewed and controlled using an Android App.
Index Terms—Arduino, wireless sensor network, environment, Raspberry Pi, MySQL.
Vinay Raghavan and Hamid Shahnasser are with San Francisco State University, USA (e-mail: bvinay@mail.sfsu.edu, hamid@sfsu.edu).
Cite:Vinay Raghavan and Hamid Shahnasser, "Embedded Wireless Sensor Network for Environment Monitoring," Journal of Advances in Computer Networks vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 13-17, 2015.